"Niestety, liczba ofiar kataklizmu jest bardzo wysoka" - powiedział agencji AFP Bilal Karimi.
AP pisze, że to najtragiczniejsze w skutkach trzęsienie ziemi w Afganistanie od dwóch dekad.
🚨Breaking: At least 100 dead after powerful earthquakes strike western Afghanistan 🇦🇫 12 villages completely destroyed. May Allah mercy on us all. pic.twitter.com/3WVXUKtW8D
— Allah Islam Quran (@AllahGreatQuran) October 8, 2023
Rescue teams are working to assist the affected civilians in Herat province of Afghanistan after yesterday’s earthquake causing huge losses. Entire villages are turned into rubble. pic.twitter.com/oRQzJbXjX5
— Muhammad Jalal (@MJalal0093) October 8, 2023
This is Herat province of Afghanistan after yesterday’s devastating earthquake. The government of Afghanistan is using all its available means in the rescue efforts. The International humanitarian and aid organizations should help the affected civilians. pic.twitter.com/XBsGtT4FNJ
— Muhammad Jalal (@MJalal0093) October 8, 2023