Źródła portalu w wywiadzie ukraińskim przekazały, że z Białorusi wypuszczono 10 dronów bojowych typu Shahed.
⚡️Media: Russia launches 10 Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones from Belarus.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) October 25, 2022
Ukrainska Pravda cited intelligence sources. An air raid alert was announced in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast. Social network users reported that Shahed-136 drones had been seen in Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts.
It is reported that a group of "Shahed-136" drones is moving from the north (belarus) to the south in the direction of Kyiv.
— Ukraine Front Lines (@EuromaidanPR) October 25, 2022
Average speed of the drone is 150km/hour. The distance from the border is about 150 km.
Air raid alert was at 10:26 am. Now 11:36am.
They are almost here.
Some shahed-136 drones go around #Kyiv (!!!) from different sides to avoid getting into the air defense zone.
— Ukraine Front Lines (@EuromaidanPR) October 25, 2022
via @by_Ukraine
Krievi no Baltkrievijas teritorijas palaiduši Irānā ražotos uzbrukuma bezpilota lidaparātus "Shahed-136", ziņo Ukrainas armijas preses dienests. Kijivā un tās apgabalā izsludināta gaisa trauksme.
— LTV Ziņu dienests (@ltvzinas) October 25, 2022
Ukrainas armija vēsta, ka krievi no Baltkrievijas palaiduši desmit dronus. pic.twitter.com/EixTyofL1K
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